12 July 2012

How to display music album covers on Nokia N9

Have you ever encoutered problems displaying album covers on your N9? Well, here is a solution.

720p HD video playback on Nokia N9 (with subtitles)

Official specs Nokia N9 say that the phone is able to play the following video formats, including HD files at 720p: WMV 9, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, XVID, Matroska MKV, 3GPP formats (H.263), AVI, VC-1,  Video Flash, ASF.

The list looks impressive, but the reality is not as colorful. Unfortunately, it is hard enough to find an HD 720p file encoded in a way that Nokia N9 could deal with it without sweat. More on this topic can be read in the "epic" thread in the forum Talk Maemo.org. The thread is rather lengthy, so I'll try to summarize what is most important.